Simulations: Augmented clinical experience!

As we continue to move through the "new normal" of higher education and AT education, it is increasingly clear that technology can assist with the development of highly functioning athletic trainers. Through the use of simulation, students can gain repetition and develop pattern recognition to allow for more effective clinical care with their respective patient populations. This has increasingly been evident through the challenge of developing and maintaining high-quality clinical affiliations and helps mitigate some of the uncertainty regarding the availability of clinical sites. This exciting development is consistent with the CAATE standards, which allow for simulation to supplement clinical experience to demonstrate compliance with the standards.

As such, the ATu faculty team is excited to announce the launch of ATu simulations - ROM/MMT and Physical Agents (Sign up for your complimentary faculty access here to explore the ATu web app today), which can allow your students to engage in clinical decision-making in a low-stakes environment to augment clinical experiences. By allowing students to gain exposure to an increasing variety of health conditions to supplement in-class experiences and clinical exposures, students can gain the confidence needed to make appropriate and reasonable clinical decisions.

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Additionally, the use of "Mini-Games" to reinforce key learning points or skills can allow for students to get the virtual "reps" that are needed to engrain quality procedures and protocols through the skill development process. These simulations can allow for students to quickly verify their understanding of key clinical concepts, and allow them to more easily integrate into their clinical experiences upon arrival.

We're thrilled to provide these additional resources to enhance student learning and look forward to your feedback. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just want to set up a 1 on 1 talk to discuss how to integrate these into your current pedagogy.

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Faculty, ProductsMichael Wong